Hurdy Gurdy Workshop, Katoomba, Australia

–> Click here to fill the registration form <–

Welcome to the Hurdy Gurdy Masterclass in Katoomba, Australia, led by Sergio Gonzalez! This inmersive 4 days course will take you on a journey through the fascinating world of the hurdy gurdy, with personalized instruction and feedback from a renowned hurdy gurdy performer and teacher.

Join us at the stunning blue mountains region for four days filled with inspiration and community building. With plenty of opportunities to network with fellow hurdy gurdy players, you’ll leave with a renewed sense of motivation and excitement for your musical journey.

During the Workshop, Sergio will focus on technique, dissociation, and repertoire. You’ll come away with new skills to practice throughout the year, and a deeper understanding of the complexities of the hurdy gurdy.

–> Click here to fill the registration form <–

Check the dossier for the course HERE


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